Feeling Depressed?

October 6th marked the 20th anniversary of National Depression Screening Day.

Since it’s inception, more than half a million people each year have participated in Community Depression screenings. Related disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress, Anxiety Disorder.

A press release from the Screening for Mental Health website makes a touching point…

Not All Wounds Are Physical

Not all wounds are physical. Depression, PTSD and related mood disorders can not be seen on an x-ray. Yet mental illness is just as painful. And the stigma associated with the disease often prevents many from seeking help and getting treated. National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) gives people access to an anonymous validated, screening questionnaire and provides referral information for treatment. Visit www.HelpYourSelfHelpOthers.org to find a local organization offering depression and anxiety screenings or take a screening online today.

Look at MyMood Moniter too…always good to get a second opinion from a different tool. Mental Health America is where I found the link. The bottom of the home page has pretty handy information with quick links.

FamilyDoctor.org has such a well written Depression page, I’m happy to have this great resource at my fingertips. It reads better than many other depression pages from trusted sources.

Helpguide.org is an extensive resource of major mental health issues. Declaring itself as a “trusted non-profit…where expert, ad-free resources help you resolve health challenges.”. I would have to agree %100. The authors of this thoughtful, sympathetic, well designed website offers a more psycho-social perspective complete with an Emotional Skills Toolkit.

Depression is such a natural response in grief, sadness, pain and trauma we should expect anyone with this going on to take the time to be depressed. Sometimes we need to shut down, but not for retracted periods of time like months or years.

Get screened for depression today.